Craft Contemporary invites all interested printmakers and print lovers based in the United States to participate in the Many More print portfolio exchange & exhibition, which will be exhibited from May 29, 2022 – September 11, 2022.
The purpose of Many More is to celebrate the various ways prints can be made and shared. Many More is an opportunity for printmakers to connect with one another, collect each other’s work, and for their work to be shared with the museum’s audience. The portfolio exchange & exhibition will coincide with the museum exhibition, Many, that presents artists who create multiples. Many More will use the idea of multiples to highlight values of sharing and creating community inherent in printmaking.
The submission period for this exhibition has closed.
If you have successfully applied, see information on shipping and handling here.
Each submitted portfolio should include an edition of 6 (six) like prints with a paper size of 8 x 10 inches. 1 (one) print will be retained by Craft Contemporary for display in the exhibition and the museum’s archive, 5 (five) prints will be collated into exchange portfolios that will be distributed to the participating artists.
All editions submitted will be exhibited and submitting artists will receive an exchange portfolio of 5 (five) prints. Each artist can submit up to 2 (two) editions and will receive an exchange portfolio for each edition submitted. Prints that do not adhere to the paper size will not be exhibited nor returned to the artist.
An entry form including name, contact info, print info, and an image of the print must be submitted for each edition. Print editions must arrive at Craft Contemporary by May 16, 2022.
Editions can be dropped off during museum hours between May 4 – 16, 2022 or mailed to the museum:
Craft Contemporary
Many More Print Exchange, c/o Holly Jerger
5814 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90036
- Entries should arrive unframed and unmatted.
- Work arriving late or damaged or not following the required format cannot be included in the exhibition and portfolio.
- When mailing/dropping off your edition(s), please include your name, address, phone, email, and print title for each edition.
- The exchange portfolio of 5 (five) prints will be ready for pick up at the opening reception on Saturday, May 28th. Portfolios returned by mail will be sent within three weeks after the exhibition opening.
- There is no cost to participate. If you want your exchange portfolio(s) mailed to you, a $10 fee per portfolio will be charged for shipping & handling.
This exchange is open to anyone residing in the United States. Student work done under supervision of an instructor is acceptable.
Original works in any printmaking media are acceptable, such as relief, intaglio, lithography, silk screen, collagraph, digital, and non-traditional processes. Reproductions of artwork originally produced in other media are not acceptable.
In the exhibition, prints will be hung with clips or a similar mechanism, unframed, and unmatted.
Every reasonable precaution will be taken to ensure protection and careful handling of the print editions. Craft Contemporary cannot assume liability for loss or damage occurring to containers or contents while in transit.
Entry Form Due: May 4, 2022
Hand Delivered Editions Accepted: May 4 – 16, 2022 between 11:00am – 5:00pm
Mailed Editions Due: Monday, May 16, 2022
Exhibition Opening Reception at Craft Contemporary: Saturday, May 28, 2022 from 6-9pm
Portfolios Available for Pick Up starting at Opening Reception (May 28th) and then on: Wednesdays - Sundays from 11:00am – 5:00pm.
Mailed Portfolios returned by: June 17, 2022
Many More Exhibition Dates: May 29 – September 11, 2022
Please contact Holly (holly@craftcontemporary.org) or Prima (prima@craftcontemporary.org) with any questions.