Kyungmi Shin: Origin Stories
May 26, 2024 — September 8, 2024

Kyungmi Shin: Origin Stories organized by jill moniz explores Shin’s visual storytelling as a Korean American woman who engages indigeneity as a site of knowledges and creativity. She uses personal archives and figures from Korean shamanism to question the navigational forces that chinoiserie and “the Orient” play in empire, colonization, religion, gender and importantly love. Shin layers photography, painterly traditions, ethno-mythological symbolism and porcelain to engender a generous, new imaginary that centers rather than elides and holds space for diverse journeys across space and time.
This exhibition is made possible with support from the Korean American Muse, and Kim and Keith Allen-Niesen

Hero Image: Mirrors of Hard Distorting Glass, 2022, Acrylic on archival pigment print, UV laminate, 61 x 90 7/8 in. Courtesy of LACMA.
(Images Below)
Photo Credit: Kyungmi Shin: Origin Stories, installation view, 2024. Photos courtesy of Craft Contemporary, Los Angeles. Exhibition Installation Images: Marc Walker